
An Age Old Question    

The Creation of Man fresco by Michelangelo on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, depicting the iconic moment when God reaches out to touch Adam's hand, symbolizing the birth of humanity.

Art has been around since the dawn of man. We could argue that it even existed beyond the advent of civilization. 

From cave paintings, renaissance sculptures, to the experimentations we have today, it has evolved in many forms that we have began to question it.

What is Art in the first place? 

Can I pick up a thing I find beautiful, say for example, a bird's feather, frame it, then submit it to a museum? Would it count as Art? 

Who's to say what's Art from what's not? 

Is there an objective criteria or is it entirely a matter of individual opinion?

Most importantly, what is Art's existential nature? 

Why does it exist and what role does it play in our lives?

I've been curious on Art for a long time, and these are great inquiries that I want to seek answers to. 

I am CJ Faderogao, and this is the Neither Art Nor Life website

Join me as I aim to bring to light one of mankind's age old question: What is Art? 

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